AshCorTel Phone System Estimate

In order to be able to give an accurate estimate, please fill in this form with some information that will enable us to get an understanding of your basic system needs.

AshCorTel Phone System Estimate
Note, extensions are not the same as phone numbers. An easy way to know is to count the number of people that will need their own phone. Don’t worry about the type of phone at this point.
Do you require fax service?
(You may select both)
For instance, are your current phone extension numbers 201 through 210? 1000 through 1050? If you don’t have an existing system just say “none”
You can usually get this information from your existing provider’s bill. Include both inbound and outbound call minutes in your total. A good measure is to average the last 3 months of total minutes used. If you don’t know this information that’s fine, we’ll get it later.
Phone System Integration. Is your current phone system integrated with any other software or service like a Customer Resource Management (CRM) software?
Phone System Features. Please select the basic phone system features you are interested in.
Note: this is not an exhaustive list of all the possible features available
This includes work from home/remote employees.